08444 145 908

4th Derby (Derwent) Beaver, Cub and Scout Group

Continuously running since 1908 we have places available for boys and girls from age 6. Don't delay, scouting is fun!!

4th fest

As the sun sets on a beautiful summer, we're celebrating with an unforgettable day of fun, food, and festivities!

4th Fest

(end of summer fayre) 

to be held at our HQ in Sunnyhill, DE23 8DX

on Saturday 7th September 2024

Free entry

We will have stalls, games, Sponge the leader, BBQ, Tombola, Raffles, Face painting, glitter tattoos, ice creams, tuck shop, lucky dip, and much much more.

We also have pitches available for stalls at £10 -  anyone wanting a pitch should contact 08444 145 908 (message facility).

annual plant sale

Once again we are holding our Annual Bedding Plant Sale and delivery service. Proceeds from our Plant Sale are an important contribution to our annual funding thanks to your generous support and we hope that we can count on you support again this year.

All orders to be returned no later than 15th April 2024

Plant collection / delivery will be weekend 4th & 5th April 2024

Enquiries to karen.hesketh20@ntlworld.com or tel 08444145908.

Derwent Green Newsletter

January 2023 edition of our Derwent Green newsletter is now available to download. CLICK HERE to read.

113th group birthday

A selection of images from our recent 113th birthday party. We spent the day doing various activities as a team like putting up a tent, sniffing out a satsuma hidden with other items in the row of socks, carrying eggs round an obstacle course. Hungry hippos on skate boards gathering tennis balls. We had a great afternoon. Two Leader's got 5 and 25 year Service Awards and another was awarded his Wood Beads.
4th derby

Centenary book

The first One Hundred Years
We have put together a selection of history, photographs, stories and memories of former Members to portray the 4th DERBY (DERWENT) SCOUT GROUP over the past one hundred years. Our sincere thanks to all the former Members who forwarded pictures, stories and their memories for inclusion.
BE PREPARED to reminisce.

places available

We currently have places available for boys and girls from age 6. If you are interested in joining our group, helping out or just want more information please call 08444 145 908 or you can find us at Derwent Hall, at the top of Coleridge Street, Derby DE23 8AB

thank you evington club

This picture was taken following a fund raising Quiz hosted by the Evington Club. Quiz and raffle raised a handsome amount for the Group. 4th Derby's Karen Hesketh presenting the main prize.

annual plant sale fundraiser

Around April each year, we hold an annual plant sale. The funds we raise are the biggest contributor to helping us keep our scout group running. You can email us in advance at karen.hesketh20@ntlworld.com to register your interest.

Harold Winfield Trophy winner

The Harold Winfield Trophy is awarded on points to Cubs on an individual basis.

HQ available for hire

The HQ is situated inside a secure compound at Coleridge Street, Derby DE23 8AB. With the help of lottery funding the building has been refurbished and the grounds made secure. We are available for hire and can arrange for private parties and other events. A minimum of one weeks notice is required. We offer a wide range of activities and facilities. The facilities we offer are a fully fitted kitchen, hot water, shower room. Activities include climbing net, archery (with instructor), giant chess, snooker, table tennis, camping area, campfire area, backwoods cooking facilities. If you would like to enquire about using our Headquarters please use the contact form below.

minibus available

We have a 16 seater minibus available for use in return for minimum donation per mile. The vehicle is fitted with a towbar, has breakdown cover and a section 19 permit. Contact us using the form below if you are interested.


We continue to collect and recycle used toner and ink cartridges and mobile phones – please hand them to your Section Leader. If you have any items please ask the Section Leader for a recycling bag, and bring items to HQ. All cash donations welcome.

old members

If you were a Beaver, Cub, Scout, Venture, Explorer, Leader, Helper, Parent or Friend at the 4th Derby and you have any old photographs, stories or any other information you think may be of interest then please email them through to us.

contact us

4th Derby Derwent Scouts Group offers challenge and adventure to young people and adults. We believe in helping our members fulfill their potential by working in teams, learning by doing and thinking for themselves. We give people of every background the chance to stretch themselves, learn new skills and make life long friends. If this appeals to you, please contact us using this form.
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